Friday, July 9, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Whether you're selling a product or service online or running a content-based website and want to be able to accept donations, learning how to accept payments onl;ine with PayPal, a popular online payment processing provider is a good idea.
There are several reasons to accept payments online with PayPal:
1.Start up and regular fees are low for the merchant(you). there are no monthly fees, setup fees or cancellation fees to use PayPal;s basic options and fees are taken directly out of incoming payments The only monthly fee,setup fees is for users of the Website Payments, Pro package (when comparing the three most common PayPal payment solutions for merchants)
2. Accepting payments online with PayPal allows you to accept payments not only from a visitor;s PayPal account, but also through credit cards and a e-checks, without needed to set up a separate merchant account to process credit cards.
3. User:s don;t have to be a member of PayPal to be able to make a Payment online with PayPal through their credit card.
4, PayPal can be very easy to set up on your website and offers PayPal buttons for single items or a PayPal Shopping cart option.
5 PayPal offers secure online payment processing.
There are three common solutions that may fit the needs of your online business to accept payments online with PayPal:
1. Email Payments you can let your clients or customers pay you online via email using PayPal's email payments option which has no monthly or setup fees. Low fees are based on each transaction.
2.Website Payments Standard: This option to accept payments online with PayPal allows you to accept PayPal, credit card and bank transfer payment directly from your website and includes optional shopping cart integration. While there are no monthly or setup fees for the basic service, you can choose to add on the ability to accept payments over the phone, through fax or through mail orders at an additional monthly fee.
3. Website |Payments Pro there are two main difference between PayPal's Website Payment Standard and Website Payments Pro. those differences are that Website Payments Pro includes a monthly fee automatically, which allows merchants to accept payments online, over the phone or through fax and mail orders and that Website Payments Pro allow your customers to pay directly on your site with no redirection to pay through PayPal's interface.
PayPal has different member account levels, including personal, premiere, and business accounts If you want to accept payments online with PayPal you should register for a premiere or business account. Here are the differences for merchants between those two options.
Premiere PayPal Accounts allow you to accept payments online under your own name.
Premiere accounts are assessed a transaction fee for each incoming payment accepted as opposed to a personal account.
Business PayPal Accounts: The biggest difference between a Premiere PayPal account and a Business PayPal account is that a business accounts allows you to accept payments under your business name (ideal if you don;t want to do business under your own name) Another benefit is that access can be set up for multiple users, which can be an advantage, if more that one person must be able to access account information.
Whether you're selling a product or service online or running a content-based website and want to be able to accept donations, learning how to accept payments onl;ine with PayPal, a popular online payment processing provider is a good idea.
There are several reasons to accept payments online with PayPal:
1.Start up and regular fees are low for the merchant(you). there are no monthly fees, setup fees or cancellation fees to use PayPal;s basic options and fees are taken directly out of incoming payments The only monthly fee,setup fees is for users of the Website Payments, Pro package (when comparing the three most common PayPal payment solutions for merchants)
2. Accepting payments online with PayPal allows you to accept payments not only from a visitor;s PayPal account, but also through credit cards and a e-checks, without needed to set up a separate merchant account to process credit cards.
3. User:s don;t have to be a member of PayPal to be able to make a Payment online with PayPal through their credit card.
4, PayPal can be very easy to set up on your website and offers PayPal buttons for single items or a PayPal Shopping cart option.
5 PayPal offers secure online payment processing.
There are three common solutions that may fit the needs of your online business to accept payments online with PayPal:
1. Email Payments you can let your clients or customers pay you online via email using PayPal's email payments option which has no monthly or setup fees. Low fees are based on each transaction.
2.Website Payments Standard: This option to accept payments online with PayPal allows you to accept PayPal, credit card and bank transfer payment directly from your website and includes optional shopping cart integration. While there are no monthly or setup fees for the basic service, you can choose to add on the ability to accept payments over the phone, through fax or through mail orders at an additional monthly fee.
3. Website |Payments Pro there are two main difference between PayPal's Website Payment Standard and Website Payments Pro. those differences are that Website Payments Pro includes a monthly fee automatically, which allows merchants to accept payments online, over the phone or through fax and mail orders and that Website Payments Pro allow your customers to pay directly on your site with no redirection to pay through PayPal's interface.
PayPal has different member account levels, including personal, premiere, and business accounts If you want to accept payments online with PayPal you should register for a premiere or business account. Here are the differences for merchants between those two options.
Premiere PayPal Accounts allow you to accept payments online under your own name.
Premiere accounts are assessed a transaction fee for each incoming payment accepted as opposed to a personal account.
Business PayPal Accounts: The biggest difference between a Premiere PayPal account and a Business PayPal account is that a business accounts allows you to accept payments under your business name (ideal if you don;t want to do business under your own name) Another benefit is that access can be set up for multiple users, which can be an advantage, if more that one person must be able to access account information.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
If your web site is failing to deliver results for your business then here's your chance to do simple thing that can turn your business around. right now \
At this point you might be cynical or skeptical about your business on the internet. Or you might even feel like you've been burnt or ripped off. You haven't met your sales objective, and quite frankly you're frustrated with poor marketing results.
You might even start to wonder if your business on the internet is ever going to work. Don't feel bad if this is what's going through your mind;you're not the first nor the last to be in this position.Though it's not too late for you to get out of this rut, you must choose your next step wisely so what is the right move.
You can without a doubt make the internet profitable for your business. that's why there are millions of people just like you who have already gotten out of the rut and are now marking a fortune on the internet.
Just like them, you need to get in the loop and know the truth about how search engine optimization and internet marketing stratifies really works.Once you understand how they work, the world can be your oyter, You might laugh when I tell you how simple it is, but in reality,it really is that simple' So here it is.
When you're in business online, all of your competitors are just a click away if your potential customers are finding your competitors before they find you, then you need to ask yourself why.If you were sick you'd go to a doctor and seek professional help, right/ Ss, if your online business isn't delivering results, then shouldn't you seek out an expert opinion and find out how to fix your web site ?
If so,the first and most important step you need to take right now is to get a professional web site audit. This is an opportunity for you to have an experienced industry professional research your industry online., analyze your web site, diagnose why your online objectives and goals and give you specific actionable feedback in order to correct your website's problems.
When you discover exactly what is holding your web site back from generating staggering sales and marketing results. you can immediately apply time tested and proven techniques to boost your website profits.During your web site'll certainly find out some shocking truths about why your web site is currently not living up to its potential and believe me you'll want to know about this you can save yourself a fortune in lost online revenue '
As it stands, do you know whether your website design is affecting your sales results ? Could you be dealing with inexperienced web developers who are unfamiliar with business processes, and sophisticated internet marketing strategies? Is your site optimized for the major searcher engines? Do you have a quality web statistics program for tracking your return on investment?
This is just a small sampling of the numerous questions you'll get answered during your invaluable web site audit.
Highly credible web site audit and development companies spend a ridiculous amount of time and money figuring out how to make the internet profitable for your business, so that you don't have to So it's time you find out who they are so you can take advantage of their website audit and development expertise.
Get the answers you're looking for right now and learn how to fix all your web site's problems. In fact, whether you're an operating company or a start up, some highly credible website audit companies who are rightfully confident in their ability will even give you a guarantee to make certain that they put you on track to succeed.'
So when you request your own website audit, be sure to engage a company with a proven track record in helping thousands of companies generate hundreds of millions dullard in revenue. By taking advantage of a web site audit, you have nothing to lose and every thing to gain when it comes to boosting your web profits. Try it, and get ready for success.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
There are No absolutely safe or sure-fire formulars for achieving success in business. Nonetheless. I believe that there are some fundamental rules to the game which, If followed, tip the odds for success very much in the business man's favour. these are rules which I've applied throughout my entire carrier-and which every millionaire businessman with whom I am acquinted has followed. the rules have worked for them and for me.
Says Mr Paul Getty: They'll work for you too.
* Almost without exception, there is only one way to make"great deal of money in the business world-and that is in one's own business. the Man who wants to go into business for himself should choose a feild which he knows and understands . Obviously, he can't know everything there is to know from the very begingnig, but he should not start until he has acquired a good, solid working knowledge of the business.
* The businessman should never lose sight of the central aim of all business to produce more and and better goods or providemore andservices to more prople at lower cost.
* A sense of thrift is essential for sucess in business. The businessman must discipline himself to proctise economy wherever possible in his personal life as well as his business affairs. :"make yopur money first-then- think about spending it" is the best of all possible credos for the man who wishes to succeed.
* Legitmate opportunities for expansion shoulld never be ignored or overlooked. Onthe other hand, the businesssman must always be on his guard against the temtation to over expand or lauch expansion programs blindly without sufficient justification and planning. Forced growth can be fatal to any business new or old.
* A businessman must run his own businesses. he can not expect his employees to think or do as well as he can. If they could they would not be his employees.
WhenThe Boss" delegates authority or responsibility he must mauintain close andconstant supervision over the subordinates entrusted with it.
* The businessman must be constantly alert for new ways to improve his products and services and increase his production and sales. he should also use prosperous periods to find the ways by which techniques may be improved and costs lowered. It is only human for people to give little thought to economies when business is booming. That, however, is just the time when the businessman has the mental elbow room to examine his operations calmly and objectively and thus affect important saving without sacrificing quality or effeciency. Many businessman wait for lean period to do these things and as a result oftwen hit the panic button and slash cost in the wrong places.
* A businessman must be willing to take risks to risk his own capital and use his credit and risk borrowed money as well when, in his considered opinionthe risks are justified. But borrowed money must always be promptly repaid. Nothing will write finis to a career faster than a bad credit rtating. A businessman must constantly seek new horizons and untapped or under-expoited markets. As I've already said at some lenght. most of the world is eager to buy American or Japanese products and know-how, today's shrewd businesses looks to foreign markets.
* Nothing builds confidence and volume faster or better than a reputation for standing behind one's work or products. Guarantees should always be honored-and in doubtful cases, the decision should always be in the customer's favor. A generous service policy should also be maintained. The firm that is known to be completely reliable will have little difficulty filling its order books and keeping them filled.
* No matter how many millions an individual amasses, if he is in business he must always consider his wealth as a means for improving living conditions everywhere. He must remember that he has responsibilities toward his associates, employees, stockholders and the public. Do you want to make a million ? Believe me you can-If you are able to recorgnize the limiless opportunities and potentials around you and will apply these rules and work hard. For todays alert, ambitous and able yourgmen, all that giltters truly can be gold.
* No matter what happens, do not panic the panicstricken individual can not think or act effectively. A certain amount of trouble is inevitable in any business career-when itcomes, it should be met with calm determination.
* When things go wrong it is always a wise idea to pull back temporarilly to withdraw just long enough and far enough to view and evaluate the situation objectively.
* In the opening stages of any developing adverse situation, it may be neccessary and advisable to give some ground to sacrifice those things which are least important and most expendable. But it should be a fighting withdrawal a retrogade action that goes back only so far nop further it must never be a disorderly retreat.
* Next, all factors in the situation must be examined with meticulous care. Every possible course of action must be weighed. All available resources-cerebral as well as financial, creative as well as practical-must be marshaled counter moves must be planned with the greatest of details-yet with allowances far alternatives courses in the event unforseen obstacles are encountered. Counteraction must be planned on a scale consistent with the resources available and the goals set must be conceivably attainable. It is well to bear in mind, however, that the impetus of a properly executed counterattack very often carries the counterattacking force far beyound the point from which it was driven in the first place.
* Oncwe everything is ready action should be taken confidently, purposefully aggressively and above all enthusiastically. There can be No hesitation and it is here that the determination, personality and energy of the leader count the most. So therefore if you desire to make million dollar in Networking Join Our team today at with Id HZ346229 or HZ322292 Abiola Ibrahim with just $10 you are on your way to sure millions guaranteed.
Says Mr Paul Getty: They'll work for you too.
* Almost without exception, there is only one way to make"great deal of money in the business world-and that is in one's own business. the Man who wants to go into business for himself should choose a feild which he knows and understands . Obviously, he can't know everything there is to know from the very begingnig, but he should not start until he has acquired a good, solid working knowledge of the business.
* The businessman should never lose sight of the central aim of all business to produce more and and better goods or providemore andservices to more prople at lower cost.
* A sense of thrift is essential for sucess in business. The businessman must discipline himself to proctise economy wherever possible in his personal life as well as his business affairs. :"make yopur money first-then- think about spending it" is the best of all possible credos for the man who wishes to succeed.
* Legitmate opportunities for expansion shoulld never be ignored or overlooked. Onthe other hand, the businesssman must always be on his guard against the temtation to over expand or lauch expansion programs blindly without sufficient justification and planning. Forced growth can be fatal to any business new or old.
* A businessman must run his own businesses. he can not expect his employees to think or do as well as he can. If they could they would not be his employees.
WhenThe Boss" delegates authority or responsibility he must mauintain close andconstant supervision over the subordinates entrusted with it.
* The businessman must be constantly alert for new ways to improve his products and services and increase his production and sales. he should also use prosperous periods to find the ways by which techniques may be improved and costs lowered. It is only human for people to give little thought to economies when business is booming. That, however, is just the time when the businessman has the mental elbow room to examine his operations calmly and objectively and thus affect important saving without sacrificing quality or effeciency. Many businessman wait for lean period to do these things and as a result oftwen hit the panic button and slash cost in the wrong places.
* A businessman must be willing to take risks to risk his own capital and use his credit and risk borrowed money as well when, in his considered opinionthe risks are justified. But borrowed money must always be promptly repaid. Nothing will write finis to a career faster than a bad credit rtating. A businessman must constantly seek new horizons and untapped or under-expoited markets. As I've already said at some lenght. most of the world is eager to buy American or Japanese products and know-how, today's shrewd businesses looks to foreign markets.
* Nothing builds confidence and volume faster or better than a reputation for standing behind one's work or products. Guarantees should always be honored-and in doubtful cases, the decision should always be in the customer's favor. A generous service policy should also be maintained. The firm that is known to be completely reliable will have little difficulty filling its order books and keeping them filled.
* No matter how many millions an individual amasses, if he is in business he must always consider his wealth as a means for improving living conditions everywhere. He must remember that he has responsibilities toward his associates, employees, stockholders and the public. Do you want to make a million ? Believe me you can-If you are able to recorgnize the limiless opportunities and potentials around you and will apply these rules and work hard. For todays alert, ambitous and able yourgmen, all that giltters truly can be gold.
* No matter what happens, do not panic the panicstricken individual can not think or act effectively. A certain amount of trouble is inevitable in any business career-when itcomes, it should be met with calm determination.
* When things go wrong it is always a wise idea to pull back temporarilly to withdraw just long enough and far enough to view and evaluate the situation objectively.
* In the opening stages of any developing adverse situation, it may be neccessary and advisable to give some ground to sacrifice those things which are least important and most expendable. But it should be a fighting withdrawal a retrogade action that goes back only so far nop further it must never be a disorderly retreat.
* Next, all factors in the situation must be examined with meticulous care. Every possible course of action must be weighed. All available resources-cerebral as well as financial, creative as well as practical-must be marshaled counter moves must be planned with the greatest of details-yet with allowances far alternatives courses in the event unforseen obstacles are encountered. Counteraction must be planned on a scale consistent with the resources available and the goals set must be conceivably attainable. It is well to bear in mind, however, that the impetus of a properly executed counterattack very often carries the counterattacking force far beyound the point from which it was driven in the first place.
* Oncwe everything is ready action should be taken confidently, purposefully aggressively and above all enthusiastically. There can be No hesitation and it is here that the determination, personality and energy of the leader count the most. So therefore if you desire to make million dollar in Networking Join Our team today at with Id HZ346229 or HZ322292 Abiola Ibrahim with just $10 you are on your way to sure millions guaranteed.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Difference Between Successful and Unsuccessful People.
What is the difference betweensuccessful people and unsuccessful people/ ? It is as simple as this:
Successful people think and talk about what they want and unsuccessful people talk about what they dont want.
So here is a 10-step plan for plugging into your super-conscious power to get what you truly want in life. make this plan a regular habit and you will be astonished at the results.
1. Decide exactly what you want. This is usually the biggest problem that people have. They dont know what they want and then they're surprised when they don't get it.
2. Write your goal clearly in every detail. A goal that is not written down is merely a wish, when you write it down, you signal to your super-conscious mind that you really want to accomplish this particular objective.
3.Write your goal in simple present tense words on a three by five index card and carry it with you to read and re-read throughout the day whenever tou get a chance.
4 Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do that will move you toward your goal. Making a list intensifies your desire and deepens your belief that attainment of the goal is possible for you.
5. Organize the list by priority what is more important and whats is less important.
6. Resolve to take action everyday on one of the items on your list. Do something everyday that moves you toward your goal so that you can maintain your momentum.
7. Visualize your goal respectively see it in your minds eye as though it were already a reality. The more clear and vivid the mental picture of your goal the faster it will come tinto your life.
8. Get the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that you would have if your goal were realized at this very moment.
Create the emotion of happiness satisfaction and pleasure that you would have if you really achieved your goal.
9. Confidently behave as if your super-conscious mind were bringing your goal into reality. Accept that you aremoving towards your goal and it is moving toward you.
!0. Release your goal completely to your super-conscious mind. when you turn your goal over to the power of universe and just get out of the way. You will always know the right actions to take at the right time.
Starting today, try this power of yours, your super-conscious mind on one goal or idea and practise it continually until you succeed in achieving that goal. by doing so, you will move from the "Positive thinking of the hopeful person to the positive knowing" of the totally successful person.
If you believe you are poor, you will discover that you will soon become a camp-groud of poverty.
And if you believe that you are rich, it is a matter of time you will soon discover that money will start finding its way toward your direction.
On this understanding if you want to produce your own money you must have value for your ideas and follow these rules about how to produce money.
Before I look at the rules, I will like to let you know what has held money back from coming to you are the rules of poverty you have been following unknowing.
Until next time remain financially bless !
By Sanmi Akindipe
The Difference Between Successful and Unsuccessful People.
What is the difference betweensuccessful people and unsuccessful people/ ? It is as simple as this:
Successful people think and talk about what they want and unsuccessful people talk about what they dont want.
So here is a 10-step plan for plugging into your super-conscious power to get what you truly want in life. make this plan a regular habit and you will be astonished at the results.
1. Decide exactly what you want. This is usually the biggest problem that people have. They dont know what they want and then they're surprised when they don't get it.
2. Write your goal clearly in every detail. A goal that is not written down is merely a wish, when you write it down, you signal to your super-conscious mind that you really want to accomplish this particular objective.
3.Write your goal in simple present tense words on a three by five index card and carry it with you to read and re-read throughout the day whenever tou get a chance.
4 Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do that will move you toward your goal. Making a list intensifies your desire and deepens your belief that attainment of the goal is possible for you.
5. Organize the list by priority what is more important and whats is less important.
6. Resolve to take action everyday on one of the items on your list. Do something everyday that moves you toward your goal so that you can maintain your momentum.
7. Visualize your goal respectively see it in your minds eye as though it were already a reality. The more clear and vivid the mental picture of your goal the faster it will come tinto your life.
8. Get the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that you would have if your goal were realized at this very moment.
Create the emotion of happiness satisfaction and pleasure that you would have if you really achieved your goal.
9. Confidently behave as if your super-conscious mind were bringing your goal into reality. Accept that you aremoving towards your goal and it is moving toward you.
!0. Release your goal completely to your super-conscious mind. when you turn your goal over to the power of universe and just get out of the way. You will always know the right actions to take at the right time.
Starting today, try this power of yours, your super-conscious mind on one goal or idea and practise it continually until you succeed in achieving that goal. by doing so, you will move from the "Positive thinking of the hopeful person to the positive knowing" of the totally successful person.
If you believe you are poor, you will discover that you will soon become a camp-groud of poverty.
And if you believe that you are rich, it is a matter of time you will soon discover that money will start finding its way toward your direction.
On this understanding if you want to produce your own money you must have value for your ideas and follow these rules about how to produce money.
Before I look at the rules, I will like to let you know what has held money back from coming to you are the rules of poverty you have been following unknowing.
Until next time remain financially bless !
By Sanmi Akindipe
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Can't seem to get ahead financially ? Little Mistake-Stumbling Blocks To Your Financial Freedom
Financial freedom seems to be the current buzzword in the world of self-improvement and it means different things to different people. For most people it means working up everyday able to do exactly what you do without time or money restrictions. But buried in credit card debt. living in houses and driving cars we can barely afford,spending more than we make and putting nothing away for the future-how many of us actually stand any chance of realizing this grand and glorious dream ?
Maybe we are making some of the little mistake unknowingly. These mistakes listed below will be able to help you understand where you may be going wrong and how to get back on track quickly.
Mistake 1
Not Really Knowing Your Financial Situation:
Do you know where all your money goes ? What are your monthly expences ?How much are your unpaid debts ? Make a list and this will give an initial idea as to whether you are living within your means or on borrowed money
Mistake 2
Living Beyond Your Means:
If you are spending more than your income whose money are you spending-the bank's money or the credit card company's ? make a commitment to yourself only to spend within your budget or income limit's and only buy the necessaries
Mistake 3
Paying Off Less Than the Full Credit Card Balance Each Month:
If you are like many others and pays only the minimum amount each month the interest on the interest is enough to pile up your debts ! Put aside more money to pay off the full amount every month and get this debt under control.
Mistake 4
Continually Adding to Your Debt
Think about all stuffs you buy without really paying attention
Don't buy on impulse or at the height of fad or fashion. All these fall into the category of unconscious spending and it adds on to your debt. Ask yourself twice or three times before you buy anything Do I really need this ?
Mistake 5
Spending Without Caring For Your Future
It seems alright to spend what you earn but how much do you put aside each payday for your future ?
Take stock and realize that tomorrow will not look after itself
Make it a point to invest in your future every month and it can be very rewarding to see how quickly your saving multiply over time with only a small investment each payday.
Visit us now and register at with ID HZ346229 for GAFAT ENTERPRISES ,.LLC or ABIOLA IBRAHIM ID HZ 322292 for better tomorrow now.
Financial freedom seems to be the current buzzword in the world of self-improvement and it means different things to different people. For most people it means working up everyday able to do exactly what you do without time or money restrictions. But buried in credit card debt. living in houses and driving cars we can barely afford,spending more than we make and putting nothing away for the future-how many of us actually stand any chance of realizing this grand and glorious dream ?
Maybe we are making some of the little mistake unknowingly. These mistakes listed below will be able to help you understand where you may be going wrong and how to get back on track quickly.
Mistake 1
Not Really Knowing Your Financial Situation:
Do you know where all your money goes ? What are your monthly expences ?How much are your unpaid debts ? Make a list and this will give an initial idea as to whether you are living within your means or on borrowed money
Mistake 2
Living Beyond Your Means:
If you are spending more than your income whose money are you spending-the bank's money or the credit card company's ? make a commitment to yourself only to spend within your budget or income limit's and only buy the necessaries
Mistake 3
Paying Off Less Than the Full Credit Card Balance Each Month:
If you are like many others and pays only the minimum amount each month the interest on the interest is enough to pile up your debts ! Put aside more money to pay off the full amount every month and get this debt under control.
Mistake 4
Continually Adding to Your Debt
Think about all stuffs you buy without really paying attention
Don't buy on impulse or at the height of fad or fashion. All these fall into the category of unconscious spending and it adds on to your debt. Ask yourself twice or three times before you buy anything Do I really need this ?
Mistake 5
Spending Without Caring For Your Future
It seems alright to spend what you earn but how much do you put aside each payday for your future ?
Take stock and realize that tomorrow will not look after itself
Make it a point to invest in your future every month and it can be very rewarding to see how quickly your saving multiply over time with only a small investment each payday.
Visit us now and register at with ID HZ346229 for GAFAT ENTERPRISES ,.LLC or ABIOLA IBRAHIM ID HZ 322292 for better tomorrow now.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Working from home is the dream of many people whether it is the short commute or not having to deal with a boss When deciding to work from home there are many business options available to you. One of which is internet marketing. In this article I will tell you 5 things you must know before deciding to enter the internet marketing business.
1. Internet marketing is a business just like any other offline business it will take time to grow and become prosperous.
So many people get online and expect to be marking money in a week or two. when they aren't they give up and just say. oh that internent is a hoax. no one's making money out there. This is not so. but don't fall for all the hype that you can make hundreds of thoussands of dollars in a month or two. Its just not true. If you are desperate for money or need to make the mortgage payment yesterday Internet Marketing is not the short term way to accomplish that.
2. Know what you like.
This is an important piece of the puzzle. It;s silly to leave a job you hate to do something you hate from home. There is an opportunity for internet marketing in just about any niche you can think of whether it's dogs, crytals, yoga or anything; Make a list of the things you love to do and enjoy being involved in Once you have your list made figure out how to make your interest the focus of your internet marketing business.
3. Find a mentor coach.
This can be difficult as the internet is filled with "Guru's" and people willing to sell you "information" for top dollar. There are quality people out there willing to help you. They may charge for their services. but in the long run the money you save from cutting down your learning curve, and not buying ebook after ebook will be well worth it.
4. Understand you don't know what you don't know and you don't know it until you know it.
There is a lot of information tips and tricks in internet marketing. It is imperative to get a basic education in how internet marketing works and what makes it work. There are many courses available. Make sure to look around and get some reviews or recommendations from a trusted source before purchasing any reviews/recommendations on blogs/websites newsletters.
5.How much time are you willing to spend?
Just like any other J-O-B Internet Marketing takes time. Granted you get to make your own hours and work when it's convinient for you but you do still have to work. In fact it takes consistent time most days of the week. You will not build an internet marketing empire, or even a healthy business without putting the time in to take the actions necessary to make you successful.
If you are thinking about starting an internet marketing business this small article should provide you with some information to get started in mmaking the decision if this is the right online business to pursue.
1. Internet marketing is a business just like any other offline business it will take time to grow and become prosperous.
So many people get online and expect to be marking money in a week or two. when they aren't they give up and just say. oh that internent is a hoax. no one's making money out there. This is not so. but don't fall for all the hype that you can make hundreds of thoussands of dollars in a month or two. Its just not true. If you are desperate for money or need to make the mortgage payment yesterday Internet Marketing is not the short term way to accomplish that.
2. Know what you like.
This is an important piece of the puzzle. It;s silly to leave a job you hate to do something you hate from home. There is an opportunity for internet marketing in just about any niche you can think of whether it's dogs, crytals, yoga or anything; Make a list of the things you love to do and enjoy being involved in Once you have your list made figure out how to make your interest the focus of your internet marketing business.
3. Find a mentor coach.
This can be difficult as the internet is filled with "Guru's" and people willing to sell you "information" for top dollar. There are quality people out there willing to help you. They may charge for their services. but in the long run the money you save from cutting down your learning curve, and not buying ebook after ebook will be well worth it.
4. Understand you don't know what you don't know and you don't know it until you know it.
There is a lot of information tips and tricks in internet marketing. It is imperative to get a basic education in how internet marketing works and what makes it work. There are many courses available. Make sure to look around and get some reviews or recommendations from a trusted source before purchasing any reviews/recommendations on blogs/websites newsletters.
5.How much time are you willing to spend?
Just like any other J-O-B Internet Marketing takes time. Granted you get to make your own hours and work when it's convinient for you but you do still have to work. In fact it takes consistent time most days of the week. You will not build an internet marketing empire, or even a healthy business without putting the time in to take the actions necessary to make you successful.
If you are thinking about starting an internet marketing business this small article should provide you with some information to get started in mmaking the decision if this is the right online business to pursue.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Dream- Most people have dream tucked away deep inside. What is your dream and burning desire ? What do you want to accomplish in this lifetime ? Your dream is what truly motivates you and gets you fired up to take action. It is your that will make you successful.
Commitment- Commitment is the key in network marketing. Commit not only to the business but also to yourself and your downlines. Make it a point to attend events. VCon, NSS,Listen to CDs and attend leadership camps for personal growth.
Name List- Writing down a name list is the most important thing a networkershould do. You should have at least a minimum of 150 names for a start. This name list is your asset. Do not prejudge-include everybody and anybody in this list
The Art of Invitations & Prospecting- Most networkers find inviting and prospecting a challenge. Do not panic or get scared inviting. Be very casual and maintain your posture inviting is not sharing so you do not need to share too much information,especially over the phone
Go out and meet prople and add their names to your name list. Your name list must always increase by 10% every month
Showing The Plan- Manypeople panic when they have to make a presentation but showing the plan is the "ricebowl" in network marketing business. Be passionate about the plan and ask help from your working upline.
Follow Through-After showing the plan, it is important to follow up with your prospect within 48hours. Never be aggressive and handle rejections with posture.
Counsel Upline- Counsel and consult your uplines and follow what they tell you. Learn from them and do not reinvent the wheel
Duplicate -One major mistate people make in network marketing is they learn a lot but fail to share and duplicate. Replicate what workd, teach your downlines everything and more, so they can pass it on to their teams and the process can be repeated down the line.
Dream- Most people have dream tucked away deep inside. What is your dream and burning desire ? What do you want to accomplish in this lifetime ? Your dream is what truly motivates you and gets you fired up to take action. It is your that will make you successful.
Commitment- Commitment is the key in network marketing. Commit not only to the business but also to yourself and your downlines. Make it a point to attend events. VCon, NSS,Listen to CDs and attend leadership camps for personal growth.
Name List- Writing down a name list is the most important thing a networkershould do. You should have at least a minimum of 150 names for a start. This name list is your asset. Do not prejudge-include everybody and anybody in this list
The Art of Invitations & Prospecting- Most networkers find inviting and prospecting a challenge. Do not panic or get scared inviting. Be very casual and maintain your posture inviting is not sharing so you do not need to share too much information,especially over the phone
Go out and meet prople and add their names to your name list. Your name list must always increase by 10% every month
Showing The Plan- Manypeople panic when they have to make a presentation but showing the plan is the "ricebowl" in network marketing business. Be passionate about the plan and ask help from your working upline.
Follow Through-After showing the plan, it is important to follow up with your prospect within 48hours. Never be aggressive and handle rejections with posture.
Counsel Upline- Counsel and consult your uplines and follow what they tell you. Learn from them and do not reinvent the wheel
Duplicate -One major mistate people make in network marketing is they learn a lot but fail to share and duplicate. Replicate what workd, teach your downlines everything and more, so they can pass it on to their teams and the process can be repeated down the line.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Network Marketing
The 8 basic building blocks rebuilt your roadmap to success
1) Dream 2) Commitment 3) Name list 4) The art of Invitation & Prospecting
5) Showing the Plan 6) Follow through 7) Counsel Upline 8) Duplicate
The 8 basic building blocks rebuilt your roadmap to success
1) Dream 2) Commitment 3) Name list 4) The art of Invitation & Prospecting
5) Showing the Plan 6) Follow through 7) Counsel Upline 8) Duplicate
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