There are No absolutely safe or sure-fire formulars for achieving success in business. Nonetheless. I believe that there are some fundamental rules to the game which, If followed, tip the odds for success very much in the business man's favour. these are rules which I've applied throughout my entire carrier-and which every millionaire businessman with whom I am acquinted has followed. the rules have worked for them and for me.
Says Mr Paul Getty: They'll work for you too.
* Almost without exception, there is only one way to make"great deal of money in the business world-and that is in one's own business. the Man who wants to go into business for himself should choose a feild which he knows and understands . Obviously, he can't know everything there is to know from the very begingnig, but he should not start until he has acquired a good, solid working knowledge of the business.
* The businessman should never lose sight of the central aim of all business to produce more and and better goods or providemore andservices to more prople at lower cost.
* A sense of thrift is essential for sucess in business. The businessman must discipline himself to proctise economy wherever possible in his personal life as well as his business affairs. :"make yopur money first-then- think about spending it" is the best of all possible credos for the man who wishes to succeed.
* Legitmate opportunities for expansion shoulld never be ignored or overlooked. Onthe other hand, the businesssman must always be on his guard against the temtation to over expand or lauch expansion programs blindly without sufficient justification and planning. Forced growth can be fatal to any business new or old.
* A businessman must run his own businesses. he can not expect his employees to think or do as well as he can. If they could they would not be his employees.
WhenThe Boss" delegates authority or responsibility he must mauintain close andconstant supervision over the subordinates entrusted with it.
* The businessman must be constantly alert for new ways to improve his products and services and increase his production and sales. he should also use prosperous periods to find the ways by which techniques may be improved and costs lowered. It is only human for people to give little thought to economies when business is booming. That, however, is just the time when the businessman has the mental elbow room to examine his operations calmly and objectively and thus affect important saving without sacrificing quality or effeciency. Many businessman wait for lean period to do these things and as a result oftwen hit the panic button and slash cost in the wrong places.
* A businessman must be willing to take risks to risk his own capital and use his credit and risk borrowed money as well when, in his considered opinionthe risks are justified. But borrowed money must always be promptly repaid. Nothing will write finis to a career faster than a bad credit rtating. A businessman must constantly seek new horizons and untapped or under-expoited markets. As I've already said at some lenght. most of the world is eager to buy American or Japanese products and know-how, today's shrewd businesses looks to foreign markets.
* Nothing builds confidence and volume faster or better than a reputation for standing behind one's work or products. Guarantees should always be honored-and in doubtful cases, the decision should always be in the customer's favor. A generous service policy should also be maintained. The firm that is known to be completely reliable will have little difficulty filling its order books and keeping them filled.
* No matter how many millions an individual amasses, if he is in business he must always consider his wealth as a means for improving living conditions everywhere. He must remember that he has responsibilities toward his associates, employees, stockholders and the public. Do you want to make a million ? Believe me you can-If you are able to recorgnize the limiless opportunities and potentials around you and will apply these rules and work hard. For todays alert, ambitous and able yourgmen, all that giltters truly can be gold.
* No matter what happens, do not panic the panicstricken individual can not think or act effectively. A certain amount of trouble is inevitable in any business career-when itcomes, it should be met with calm determination.
* When things go wrong it is always a wise idea to pull back temporarilly to withdraw just long enough and far enough to view and evaluate the situation objectively.
* In the opening stages of any developing adverse situation, it may be neccessary and advisable to give some ground to sacrifice those things which are least important and most expendable. But it should be a fighting withdrawal a retrogade action that goes back only so far nop further it must never be a disorderly retreat.
* Next, all factors in the situation must be examined with meticulous care. Every possible course of action must be weighed. All available resources-cerebral as well as financial, creative as well as practical-must be marshaled counter moves must be planned with the greatest of details-yet with allowances far alternatives courses in the event unforseen obstacles are encountered. Counteraction must be planned on a scale consistent with the resources available and the goals set must be conceivably attainable. It is well to bear in mind, however, that the impetus of a properly executed counterattack very often carries the counterattacking force far beyound the point from which it was driven in the first place.
* Oncwe everything is ready action should be taken confidently, purposefully aggressively and above all enthusiastically. There can be No hesitation and it is here that the determination, personality and energy of the leader count the most. So therefore if you desire to make million dollar in Networking Join Our team today at with Id HZ346229 or HZ322292 Abiola Ibrahim with just $10 you are on your way to sure millions guaranteed.
Sure interesting possibility